Preparing your Sculptris model for 3D printing at
“There is nothing quite like holding your 3D creation in your hand…”
A brilliant business model that surfaced several years back was If you don’t know, Shapeways allows you to upload a 3D model you have created and get it 3D printed into a physical object. Although 3D printing (Known as Rapid Prototyping) has been around for a good while now, most business models presented it as an extraordinary pre-production proof of concept stage. this first business offered up the service at exorbitantly bloated prices. Shapeways business model threw off the lofty concepts behind 3D printing and presented it as a mass production technique. This thinking has brought the affordability or 3D printing to the masses. The document presented here is designed to assist you with getting your 3D designs ready to be printed. It covers allot of subject matter and has a good deal of useful links for both First time 3D artists and Pros alike.
Document Version: 1.0
Original Publishing: November 19, 2010
Download: Preparing your Sculptris model for 3D printing at (5494)